Getter methods and type conversion

exercise No. 11


Apart from type mappings the JDBC access methods like getString() may also be used for type conversion. Modify Figure 911, “Accessing friend's database records ” by:

What do you observe?


Modifying our iteration loop:

// Step 4: Dataset iteration
while ( {
           + ", " + data.getInt("nickname") 
           + ", " + data.getString("birthdate"));

We observe:

Calling getString() for a database attribute of type INTEGER does not cause any trouble: The value gets silently converted to a string value.

Calling getInt(String) for the database field of type CHAR yields an (expected) Exception:

Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt() - 'Jim'
  at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(

We may however provide compatible data records:

INSERT INTO Friends VALUES (1, '31', '1991-10-10');

This time our application executes perfectly well:

1, 31, 1991-10-10

Conclusion: The JDBC driver performs a conversion from a string type to an integer similar like the parseInt(String) method.

Figure 919. Problem: null value ambiguity Slide presentation
final int count = resultSet.getInt("numProducts");

Problem: Two possibilities in case of count == 0:

  1. DB attribute numProducts is 0 (zero).

  2. DB attribute numProducts is null.

Figure 920. Resolving null value ambiguity Slide presentation
final int count = resultSet.getInt("numProducts");

if (resultSet.wasNull()) {
} else {

See wasNull().