Maven command line usage

Figure 278. Using the MI Sd1 project template Slide presentation
  • Download file from here.

  • Extract to folder template.

  • Optional: Edit template/pom.xml reflecting your project needs i.e. <groupId> and related.

  • Optional: Import your project in Intellij IDEA.

Figure 279. CLI example Slide presentation
mvn --batch-mode -e archetype:generate \
-DgroupId=de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1 -DartifactId=second -Dversion=0.9 \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

See artifact reference.

The MI department provides modified archetypes supporting more current versions of unit testing software. These are being provided by a Maven repository server:

Figure 280. Supplementary MI Maven archetypes Slide presentation

Create an empty .m2 Maven configuration and caching related directory below your home directory ~. The -p option avoids an error message in case ~/.m2 already exists.

Use a text editor like nano, vim, emacs, IntelliJ,... for creating the following (presumably new) file ~/.m2/settings.xml:

<settings xmlns=""

          <name>Supplementary MI archetypes and artifacts</name>

          <!-- The actual »payload« referring to the MI Maven server hosting additional archetypes and artifacts -->




Note refers to a Sonatype Nexus repository manager instance hosting supplementary Maven archetypes and artifacts.

Figure 281. CLI testing mi-maven-archetype-quickstart Slide presentation
mvn --batch-mode -e archetype:generate \
  -DgroupId=de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1 -DartifactId=second -Dversion=0.9 \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=de.hdm_stuttgart.mi -DarchetypeArtifactId=mi-maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=2.3
[INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...

Figure 282. CLI archetype details Slide presentation
mvn --batch-mode  -e archetype:generate  \
 -DarchetypeGroupId=de.hdm_stuttgart.mi \ 
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=mi-maven-archetype-quickstart \
 -DarchetypeVersion=2.3 \
 -DgroupId=de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1  \
 -DartifactId=first  \

During project generation Maven shall work in batch mode not asking for user input.

Create a Maven project using an archetype being specified by .

Our desired archetype is being addressed by its three »coordinates« on the MI Maven repository server:


de.hdm_stuttgart.mi typically referring to the hosting institution.


mi-maven-archetype-quickstart denoting a piece of software within a hosting institution.


2.3 identifying a specific version of the software in question.

Likewise we do have three parameters uniquely defining our own software product's Maven identity:

  • groupId. This value also defines the projects base package name as being explained in the section called “Packages”:

    package de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1;
    public class ...


    You must not use operator symbols like - in groupId definitions. For this reason the current example features de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1 rather than de.hdm-stuttgart.mi.sd1.

  • artifactId

  • version

Figure 283. Generated project layout Slide presentation
> cd first        # Enter project directory
> find . -type f  # Search recursively for files

The Project Object Model file defining build rules.

Java source file containing an executable main() class.

exercise No. 110

DNS inflicted groupId / package names clashes


Regarding the extended explanations of Figure 282, “CLI archetype details ” we consider two different organisations and Following the »coordinate« recommendations both organizations would then choose the common conflicting groupId de.hdm_stuttgart leading to possible Maven artifact clashes. May this conflict actually happen?


Read about valid DNS domain names.


The conflict cannot occur since the underscore is being disallowed in domain names according to the DNS specification. Thus is an illegal domain name. Mapping hyphens appearing in domain names to underscores in packages therefore works perfectly.

Figure 284. Maven compile Slide presentation
> mvn compile
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] Building first 0.9
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to /ma/goik/first/target/classes
[INFO] --------------------------------------------------------

Figure 285. Compilation file view Slide presentation
> find target/classes -type f

Figure 286. Execution Slide presentation
> cd target/classes 
> java de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.App 
Hi there, let's have
fun learning Java! 

Change to base directory containing compiled Java classes.

Application execution. Note:

Our App class is being prefixed by the package name de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1 defined by the groupId parameter in Figure 282, “CLI archetype details ”.

The expected output result.


Executing this particular class requires a configuration in our project's pom.xml file:

</archive> ...

Figure 287. Maven package Slide presentation
> mvn package
 T E S T S
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] Building jar: /ma/goik/first/target/first-0.9.jar
[INFO] Replacing /ma/goik/first/target/first-0.9.jar with 

Figure 288. Executing Java archive first-0.9.jar Slide presentation
java -jar target/first-0.9.jar
Hi there, let's have
fun learning Java!

Remark: This will execute HelloWorld.class being contained in first-0.9.jar.

exercise No. 111

Details on execution


In Figure 288, “Executing Java™ archive first-0.9.jar we saw successful execution of:

java -jar target/first-0.9.jar

How does this actually work? There might be multiple executable classes containing main() methods within a given project? How is de/hdm_stuttgart/mi/sd1/App.class being selected for execution?


Have a closer look on your project's pom.xml. Also unzip your generated first-0.9.jar file to examine the contained file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.


Our pom.xml defines a single class which must contain a public static void main(String[] args) method:

<project xmlns="" ...>

The Maven package processing step wraps this class name into the generated first-0.9.jar archive's manifest file META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.5.2
Built-By: goik
Build-Jdk: 10.0.2
Main-Class: de.hdm_stuttgart.mi.sd1.App

This allows the Java runtime to choose the class to be executed.

Figure 289. Maven javadoc:javadoc Slide presentation
> mvn javadoc:javadoc
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Generating /ma/goik/First/target/site/apidocs/allclasses-noframe.html...
Generating /ma/goik/First/target/site/apidocs/index.html...
Generating /ma/goik/First/target/site/apidocs/overview-summary.html...
Generating /ma/goik/First/target/site/apidocs/help-doc.html...

See e.g. class String documentation.

Figure 290. Maven clean Slide presentation
> mvn clean
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ first ---
[INFO] Deleting /ma/goik/first/target
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------