Exception handling

exercise No. 210


Consider the following snippet:

Object o = ...;
int a = ...;
try {
    String  s = (String) o;           // May throw a ClassCastException
    int c = 4 / a;                    // May throw an ArithmeticException
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {

Facilitate the above code and explain why your simpler implementation always and under all circumstances produces an identical runtime result.


  • Both catch clauses contain the same text.

  • Search the inheritance hierarchy for a common ancestor class and consider the getMessage() method. Where is it actually being defined?


Both ClassCastException and ArithmeticException are being derived from their common parent RuntimeException. All three classes share the common Throwable#getMessage() method by inheritance without redefining it.

Our two catch clauses may thus be combined into one:

try {
    String  s = (String) o;         // May throw a ClassCastException
    int c = 4 / a;                  // May throw an ArithmeticException
} catch (RuntimeException e) {      // Common parent class

Caveat: There is a whole bunch of other child classes of RuntimeException. The simplified version thus potentially catches additional exceptions we might not be aware of. On the other hand the try {...} block does not contain an apparent candidate for one of these.