Figure 40. Intellij IDEA requires a JDK Slide presentation

Prefer a Long Term Release (LTS) e.g. 17, 21, ...

  • Windows / Mac-OS: Manual Oracle or OpenJDK installation.

  • Linux: Package install

    Debian / Ubuntu Fedora / Redhat
    apt install openjdk-21-jdk
    dnf install java-21-openjdk-devel

Figure 41. Intellij IDEA installation Slide presentation
  • IntelliJ IDEA Toolbox based installation

  • Choose Ultimate.

Intellij IDEA installation

Figure 42. Idea »Ultimate« license types Slide presentation

Figure 43. Alternative: Using the HdM license server Slide presentation
Alternative: Using the HdM license server

Insert address:

External usage requires VPN !

Figure 44. Creating a new Java project Slide presentation