Apache Maven

Figure 630. Maven: Recommended reading Slide presentation

Figure 631. What is Maven anyway? Slide presentation
  • Build tool

  • Project management tool

    • Create reports

    • Continuous integration support

Figure 632. Maven: Facts and benefits Slide presentation
  • Build tool

  • Dependency management

  • Repository system

  • Plugin framework

Figure 633. Convention Over Configuration Slide presentation
  • Sensible default values:

    • Source below ${basedir}/src/main/java

    • Tests below ${basedir}/src/test

    • Bytecode, jar/war archives below ${basedir}/target

    • ...

Figure 634. Maven project layout Slide presentation

Figure 635. The project object model file Slide presentation
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" 


Figure 636. pom.xml characteristics Slide presentation
  • Declarative project description

    • Dependencies

    • Builds

    • Artifacts

  • No explicit instructions

Figure 637. pom.xml vs. Makefile Slide presentation
module.o: module.c
	gcc -c -g module.c