Unary operators

Figure 128. Increment operator ++ Slide presentation
Increment variable by 1: Shorthand version:
int a = 4;

a = a + 1;

System.out.println("Value:" + a);
int a = 4;


System.out.println("Value:" + a);

Figure 129. Different range behaviour! Slide presentation
Increment variable by 1: Shorthand version:
byte value = 127; // Max possible value

value = value + 1; // Error: Required type: byte
                   // Provided:int

byte value = 127; // Max possible value

value++; // o.K., will cycle through range

Does not compile

Figure 130. Cast required Slide presentation
Increment variable by 1: Shorthand version:
byte value = 127; // Max possible value

value = (byte)(value + 1); // cast required,
                           // possible overflow

byte value = 127; // Max possible value

value++; // cycle through range,
         // no cast required. 


Figure 131. Prefix and postfix notation Slide presentation
pre-increment post-increment
int a = 4;
int b = ++a;
int a = 4;
int b = a++;

exercise No. 47

Three ways expressing the same


Write the statement a = a - 1; in two alternate ways.


Use different operators.


  • a -= 1;

  • a--;

Figure 132. Operator examples Slide presentation
Shorthand Operation Explicit
//Integer operations
i += k;
i %= 3;

// boolean
  - nothing appropriate -
    Decrement by one
    Raise by k's value
   assign modulus of 3

Switching true <--> false             
//Integer operations
i = i - 1;
i = i + k;
i = i % 3;

// boolean
b = !b;

exercise No. 48

Guessing results


Consider the following code segment:

int a = 3;
a++;          // Incrementing a by 1 --> a==4

int b = a;    // TODO

b--;          // TODO
--b;          // TODO

int c = b;    // TODO

b = ++a;      // TODO
int e = a++;  // TODO

a *= b;       // TODO

System.out.println("a=" + a);
System.out.println("b=" + b);
System.out.println("c=" + c);
System.out.println("e=" + e);

Guess the expected result without executing the above code. Replace the TODO sections by explanations among with expected variable values.

Then copy/paste the above code into a main() method body and control your findings (possibly wailing about your success rate).


Both x++ (postfix notation) and ++x (infix notation) are expressions themselves which might even be rewritten as (x++) and (++x) for the sake of clarity. The difference is not about operator precedence rules but simply about the values of these expressions when being assigned to other variables.


As inferred by the hint the biggest problem is about understanding postfix and infix notation of the operators ++ and --. A corresponding expression evaluates to:

  • a = x++ yields a =x: The value of x before being incremented.

  • a = ++x yields a = x + 1: The value of x after being incremented.

The remaining task is just obeying the due diligence rule set:

int a = 3;
a++;          //Incrementing a by 1 --> a==4

int b = a;    // Assigning value of a --> b==4

b--;          // Decrementing b by 1 --> b==3
--b;          // Decrementing b by 1 --> b==2

int c = b;    // c == 2;

b = ++a;      // Incrementing a by 1 --> a==5, then assigning to b --> b == 5
int e = a++;  // Assigning a to e --> e==5, then incrementing a --> a==6

a *= b;       // Multiplying a with b and assigning the result to a --> a==30

System.out.println("a=" + a);
System.out.println("b=" + b);
System.out.println("c=" + c);
System.out.println("e=" + e);

exercise No. 49

Cleaning up the mess


Some developers follow the rule It was hard to write, it should be hard to understand as well. One such proponent codes:

int a = 3, b = 6, c = 2;

a += (a = 2) + ++a - ++b % c--;

System.out.println("a = " + a + ", b = " + b + ", c = " + c);

Execution results in:

a = 7, b = 7, c = 1

Decompose this cryptic assignment into a series of multiple elementary ones like e.g. a++ by possibly introducing one or more helper variables. Thus your code shall become longer but better to understand.


Read about evaluation of expressions and operator precedence.


We start by modifying the line in question:

a = a + (a = 2) + ++a - ++b % c--;

The expression on the right hand side will be decomposed by the Java compiler into a sum of four subexpressions to be evaluated from left to right:

  1. a

  2. a=2

  3. ++a

  4. ++b % c--

    This one deserves further attention: The % operator will act on b's value after incrementing (infix notation) and c's value before decrementing (postfix notation).

We introduce a helper variable sum for decomposing our code into the above described four subexpressions:

int a = 3, b = 6, c = 2;

int sum = a;  // First subexpression
a = 2;
sum += a;     // Second subexpression
sum += a;     // Third subexpression
sum -= b % c; // Fourth subexpression

a = sum;      // Assigning the result

System.out.println("a = " + a + ", b = " + b + ", c = " + c);