Sanitizing user input

Figure 890. Handling injection attacks, part 1 Slide presentation
Keep the database server from interpreting user input completely.

This is the preferred way eliminating security issues completely as being discussed in the section called “java.sql.PreparedStatement.

May not be possible in legacy applications due to required efforts.

Figure 891. Handling injection attacks, part 2 Slide presentation
Let the application check user input beforehand

Malicious user input is being rejected from being embedded into SQL statements.

Figure 892. Input filtering Slide presentation

Regular expression matching user names.

Regular expression User input
Matches Jennifer
Does not match DROP TABLE Users

So we have an interceptor sitting between user input fields and SQL generating code:

Figure 893. Validating user input prior to dynamically composing SQL statements. Slide presentation
Validating user input prior to dynamically composing SQL statements.

exercise No. 8

Using regular expressions in Java


This exercise is a preparation for Input validation by regular expressions . The aim is to deal with regular expressions and to use them in Java. If you don't know yet about regular expressions / pattern matching you may want to read either of:

Complete the implementation of the following skeleton:

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public static void main(String[] args) {
   final String [] wordList = new String [] {"Eric", "126653BBb", "_login","some text"};
   final String [] regexpList = new String[] {"[A-K].*", "[^0-9]+.*", "_[a-z]+", ""};

   for (final String word: wordList) {
      for (final String regexp: regexpList) {
         testMatch(word, regexp);

 * Matching a given word by a regular expression. A log message is being
 * written to stdout.
 * Hint: The implementation is based on the explanation being given in the
 * introduction to {@link Pattern}
 * @param word This string will be matched by the subsequent argument.
 * @param regexp The regular expression tested to match the previous argument.
 * @return true if regexp matches word, false otherwise.
public static boolean testMatch(final String word, final String regexp) {
.../* to be implemented by **YOU**   */

As being noted in the Java above you may want to read the documentation of class java.util.regex.Pattern. The intended output of the above application is:

The expression '[A-K].*' matches 'Eric'
The expression '[^0-9]+.*' ...


A possible implementation is given by:

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * This class is intended to gain some basic experience with
 * regular expressions and their usage in Java
 * @author goik
public class RegexpPrimer {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      final String [] wordList = new String [] {"Eric", "126653BBb", "_login","some text"};
      final String [] regexpList = new String[] {"[A-K].*", "[^0-9]+.*", "_[a-z]+", ""};

      for (final String word: wordList) {
         for (final String regexp: regexpList) {
            testMatch(word, regexp);

    * Matching a given word by a regular expression. A log message is being
    * written to stdout.
    * Hint: The implementation is based on the explanation being given in the
    * introduction to {@link Pattern}
    * @param word This string will be matched by the subsequent argument.
    * @param regexp The regular expression tested to match the previous argument.
    * @return true if regexp matches word, false otherwise.
   public static boolean testMatch(final String word, final String regexp) {
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regexp);
      Matcher m = p.matcher(word);
      if (m.matches()) {
         System.out.println("The expression '" + regexp + "' matches '" + word + "'");
         return true;
      } else {
         System.out.println("The expression '" + regexp + "' does not match '" + word + "'");
         return false;

exercise No. 9

Input validation by regular expressions


The application of Attack from the dark side proved to be vulnerable to SQL injection. Sanitize the two user input field's values to prevent such behaviour.

  • Find appropriate validators to check both username and email. Some hints:


    Regarding SQL injection the ; character is among the most critical. You may want to exclude certain special characters like (,) and similar as well by means of a regular expression. This doesn't harm since their presence in a user's name is most likely a typo rather then any sensitive input. On the other hand it becomes increasingly hard to construct suitable injection attack strings.


    There are tons of ultimate regular expressions available to check email addresses. Remember that rather avoiding wrong email addresses the present task is to avoid SQL injection. So find a reasonable one which may be too permissive regarding RFC email syntax rules but sufficient to secure your application.

    A concise definition of an email's syntax is being given in RFC5322. Its implementation is beyond scope of the current lecture. Moreover it is questionable whether E-mail clients and mail transfer agents implement strict RFC compliance.

    Both regular expressions must cover the whole user input from the beginning to the end. This can be achieved by using ^ ... $.

  • The Java standard class javax.swing.InputVerifier may help you validating user input.

  • The following screen shot may provide an idea for GUI realization and user interaction in case of errors. Of course the submit button's action should be disabled in case of erroneous input. The user should receive a helpful error message instead.

    Figure 894. Error message being presented to the user.
    Error message being presented to the user.

    In the current example the trailing ; within the E-Mail field is invalid.


Vaadin does provide regular expression based validation support. You may want to consider EmailValidator instead.


Validation will be based on both on regular expressions and Vaadins built in EmailValidator:

   protected void init(final VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) {

      // Sanitizing user names by regular expression
      nameField.addValidator(new RegexpValidator("[^;\"'()]+",
        "Sorry but this does not appear to be a user's name"));

      // Adding an input validator for sanitizing username and e-mail input values.
      // Caveat: Vaadin's validator will refuse e.g. "domainregistry@de"
      // and may generally be non-RFC compliant.
      emailField.addValidator(new EmailValidator("Not a valid email"));

   void conditionallyActivateInsertButton() {
      final boolean isValid =
            0 < nameField.getValue().trim().length() &&
            nameField.isValid() &&

            // empty fields are not being validated!
            0 < emailField.getValue().trim().length() &&